Dr. Nicole Apelian has masterfully crafted her knowledge and expertise on survival, organic health, and wilderness living into a road map of herbal remedies. She provides astute and in depth research into herbal medicine with her well written guides that assists the reader on the path to wellness while utilizing wild gathered and organic herbs.
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Books by Nicole Apelian
Would you like to boost your home library’s health and wellness resources? Purchase Dr. Nicole Apelian’s Complete Book Collection and increase the knowledge you have available to survive and thrive, in any situation.
By Nicole Apelian, Ph.D. & Claude Davis
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies II: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine
The long-awaited sequel arrives and it’s time to take your hard-won herbal wisdom to the next level. Now you’ll have 139 new helpful plants in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies II, and you’ll know exactly how to spot and take advantage of each one the moment you step out of your house. Most of them are widespread across the country, and you probably have at least a few dozen of them growing somewhere close by. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies II completes the first book, you’ll find only new plants and very different remedies.
By Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.
Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide: Forgotten Skills to Make the Wild Your Home
The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide is the first handbook ever that helps people NOT just to survive in the wild, BUT to LIVE there! You can use it to turn the Wild into your second home and become self-reliant in nature long term. With this guide, you can make your own piece of paradise far from the hustle and bustle of modern living.
Add this book to your backpack or bug-out bag, and if you need to leave your house quickly, do it without giving it a second thought as you know you have a good chance of outliving a crisis by turning the Wild into your second home.
The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide European Edition is Now Available!
Click here to learn more. If ordering outside of Europe, you can purchase a digital copy of the book here. Customers within Europe may order the physical or digital version here.
By Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.
The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments
If you’ve been looking for a more natural way to manage your health, then this is one book you should have on hand.
For each ailment, you’ll find specific foods, physical and mental exercises, stress-relief techniques, vitamins, minerals, herbs, massages, stretches, detoxes, natural remedies, and a whole range of other holistic practices – all based in peer-reviewed science.
If you want to follow an integrated, holistic, natural approach, this is the book you want on your bookshelf.
With The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments by your side, you’ll have a complete roadmap to take care of your health at home naturally.
By Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.
The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods, Edible Plants, Lichens, Mushrooms, and Seaweeds (the North American Edition)
Learn how to ethically harvest, store, and use the abundance of wild foods that surround you. This comprehensive book will become a favorite reference for you on your journey into wild foods and foraging.
Each wild food entry in this book has an introduction, a range map, edible uses, common medicinal uses, poisonous lookalikes, a description of the flowers and leaves for ID, excellent color photos, harvesting instructions, and a simple recipe.
By Dr. Nicole Apelian & Shawn Clay
A Reference Guide to Surviving Nature: Outdoor Preparation and Remedies
A must-have in your pack! This easy to read guide will help outdoor first-timers to well-seasoned campers and hikers. Read this book and gain the confidence to get you and your loved ones outdoors. The authors cover the basics of emergency preparedness, including what gear you should carry on you for the safety of you and your family.
By Nicole Apelian, Ph.D. & Claude Davis
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine
Color pictures of 169 healing plants, lichens, and mushrooms of North America (2-4 pictures/plant for easy identification). Here you’ll find the most powerful medicinal plants & mushrooms of North America. This book is for both beginners and seasoned herbalists, and covers identification, color photos, edible uses, medicinal uses, harvesting instructions, a medicinal index, and much more!
Ordering from Europe? Follow this link »
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies is Now Available in French, German, Italian, and Spanish!
French Language Version: If ordering outside of Europe, you can purchase a digital copy of the book here. Customers within Europe may order the physical or digital version here.
Spanish Language Version: US-based customers, place your orders here. Customers ordering from Spain can purchase the book here.
Italian Language Version: Italian customers may order the book here.
German Language Version: Customers based in Germany may order the physical version here.
Books Featuring Nicole Apelian
Edited by Amber Tamblyn
Listening in the Dark: Women Reclaiming the Power of Intuition
Listening in the Dark: Women Reclaiming the Power of Intuition breathes new life into an ancient wisdom by taking a fresh and powerful look at our relationship to intuition and how we can harness it to change our everyday lives and the world.
This remarkable anthology includes essays from Jessica Valenti, Lidia Yuknavitch, Jia Tolentino, Samantha Irby, Meredith Talusan, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Amy Poehler, America Ferrera, Ada Limón, Huma Abedin, Nicole Apelian and many others, who all share how intuition has helped to shape and alter their life choices.
By Laura Prepon
You and I, as Mothers: A Raw and Honest Guide to Motherhood
You and I, as Mothers: A Raw and Honest Guide to Motherhood is a practical handbook for mothers of any age, at any stage of motherhood. At once deeply personal and universal, the book includes topics such as self-care, stress reduction techniques, protecting one’s partnership, asking for help, and getting a global perspective on maternity, as well as a selection of easy and delicious recipes, among many other things.
By Nate Summers
Primal: Why We Long to Be Wild and Free
Are you stressed out? Do you want to foster healthier relationships? This well-written engaging book will help you reconnect to your primal self, leading to a happier, healthier you.
By Kendall Kendrick
Born Primal: Conversations with the Ancestral Health Community
A compilation of personal journeys of the road back to health, as well as professional insights from scientists, researchers, nutritionists, professors, doctors, coaches, and every day people working to help others achieve balance, in this mismatched modern-day world.
Books Recommended by Nicole Apelian
By Terry Wahls M.D.
The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles
An integrative approach to healing chronic autoimmune conditions by a doctor, researcher, and sufferer of progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) whose TEDx talk is already a web sensation
By Terry Wahls M.D.
The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions
The cookbook companion to the groundbreaking The Wahls Protocol, featuring delicious, nutritionally dense recipes tailored to each level of the Wahls Paleo Diet.
Purchased a book and need support?
First of all — thank you! I hope the book will be a helpful resource for you and your family. Please reach out to my publisher if you need help with your purchase or have a question about the information within the book. Support emails for each edition are listed below.
The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods, Edible Plants, Lichens, Mushrooms, and Seaweeds (North American and European Editions) – foragersguide@thelostherbs.com
The Holistic Guide to Wellness – support@holisticguidetowellness.com
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies
English Edition – support@theplantbook.com
German Edition – support@pflanzenundheilmittel.com
Spanish Edition – support@losremediosherbales.com
French Edition: –support@lesremedesperdus.com
Italian Edition: – support@rimediperduti.com
Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide – support@wildernesslongtermsurvival.com